分享 Dassler :ugg boots
mimimi 2010-3-16 00:00
2010-03-16 天气:晴天 心情:微笑 Adidas founder Adi Dassler, Adi Dassler, Mr., is an athlete has the ugg boots identity and technology, German shoemaker. Because he can fully understand the needs of athletes, people have delicate skill and invention of genius; so in his life, invented more th ...
个人分类: 日记|820 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Adidas clothing :mbt
mimimi 2010-3-16 00:00
2010-03-16 天气:晴天 心情:微笑 Adidas clothing and sports shoes are normally designed and can be seen three parallel stripes, in its signs are also visible, three stripe Adidas features. In 1948, adidas founder Adi DasslerDassIer using his name adi and last name (Dassler) the first three let ...
个人分类: 日记|184 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 backward Friday
mimimi 2010-3-16 00:00
2010-03-16 天气:晴天 心情:微笑 Dooley was offered the job backward Friday afternoon. He accommodated as drillmaster and able-bodied administrator of Louisiana Tech, and flew into Knoxville for the backward account conference. Like his predecessor, Dooley comes with a abbreviate arch apprenti ...
个人分类: 日记|156 次阅读|0 个评论

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