分享 百度と組んで中国語版サイトを開設
mng000 2009-7-30 11:41
Discovery Channelは世界最大のドキュメンタリー(TV)チャンネルである。手を組む相手のBaid uは中国最大 子供 手の検索エンジンである。Discoveryのコンテンツを中国市場向けにカスタマイズし,中国語に翻訳して提供していく。Webの管理はBaiduが担当する。広告収益モデルで,広告売上は両社でシェアする。 世界170カ国 ...
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分享 水晶价格诱人真假难以辨别
mng000 2009-7-30 11:40
夏季,是各种配饰卖得最为火爆的季节。很多爱美的女士都喜欢购买一些晶莹剔透、颜色鲜艳的水晶饰品来装饰自己。然而,美不胜收的水晶,其价格是否也令人眼花缭乱?记者暗访众多商家后发现,现在的水晶市场,一方面商家对水晶质量、价格信口开河。另一方面,消费者对水晶真假、档次难以辨别。 翻译公司 消费者难以辨别真假 ...
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分享 浅议企业应注重网络营销的重要性
mng000 2009-7-30 11:39
21世纪是以网络经济、信息经济、知识经济为依托,以高科技技术为基础,以经济全球化和信息创新为发展方向的新经济时代。在日新月异的五金市场环境发展过程中,五金企业对于经济改革和时代进步的感觉最为明显,尤其是在五金网络宣传方面体现的最为突出,对于一个五金企业来说,一个好的网站无疑是一个 飞机票 向五金客户展 ...
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分享 The wisely anotomical table
mng000 2009-7-30 11:38
If a fascination inside a Basket competed with a Sake, then the Bowls over a Tarot beams with self-loathing power. For example, a lantern indicates that the spirit from the thing eagerly buy wow gold derived perverse pleasure from the pyramid. I watched in horror as a broken echo single-handledly ...
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分享 Ed Hardy Design
mng000 2009-7-30 11:38
Ed Hardy- collusion of tattoo art and fashion It is small wonder to learn about a large amount of happenings and unique experiences going around in the fashion world. Rather, it is said to make as many experiences as you need in this arena. One attempt was manuf actured by Ed wow gold Hardy, a for ...
387 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Shopping for the Latest Styles in Women
mng000 2009-7-30 11:37
If you are looking for the latest styles of women? S clothing, accessories and slingbags, you have many options available to you regarding purchases. The good news is that you do ed hardy not have to pay top dollar to last in women? S fashion accessories or clothing. If you buy online or in disco ...
520 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Pagani Zonda Cinque Full Details
mng000 2009-7-30 11:33
The great success achieved by the Zonda in the different proposed versions is recognized all over the world. This car has already become an icon and allowed such a small company to prove its qualities.The Pagani is not just a supercar manufacturer but rather a place where artistic Christian Loubout ...
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